Learning Facilitator

“Life as a teacher begins the day you realise that you are always a learner”

Being a learning facilitator, my job is not to prepare students for something, my job is to help students prepare for anything. And to achieve anything in life one has to put in every effort they got to achieve that goal.

As a learning facilitator I display solid knowledge in regards to curriculum content and curriculum design and incorporate this knowledge into planning and preparation with a wide range of effective pedagogical approaches in the discipline to engage learners in the learning process.

Being knowledgeable in regards to developmental levels, language proficiency, skills, knowledge, and individual learning needs of learners and planning sessions that are part of a sequence of learning with clear and measurable outcomes reflecting high expectations, rigour and important learning in the discipline are my core strengths.

Furthermore, I collaboratively plan and prepare varied and appropriate assessments in alignment with learning outcomes and include clear criteria for achievement, using threshold grading where appropriate and engage learners in meaningful learning.

Classroom Environment

I make sure that an emotionally safe environment based on mutual respect, warmth, fairness and strong relationships amongst all is established. And implement classroom behavioural expectations that clearly communicate norms and consequences, respecting institution’s wide rules and standards as appropriate.

“A great classroom environment comes from the heart, not from the wallet, it’s built on love, laughter and a feeling that everyone belongs”.

Teaching Strategies

I deliver lessons focused on clear, shared, measurable outcomes while incorporating learning materials, resources and above all my own personal experiences which I gained throughout my career.

Delivering clear and explicit instructions using vocabulary which is appropriate to the learner’s ages, language levels and interests. I promote learner’s reflection in order to enhance learning and gain feedback on learner progress.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I will learn”.